Covid-19 virus update
The health, welfare and safety of all members is an overriding concern for us at BSAC 43 and due to government guidelines the club will not be meeting on Mondays at the Billingham forum and Thursday at the club house.
We are continuing to monitor current government advice to assess the risk as appropriate. We will update you via facebook and our website when services are back to normal. Please stay safe and respect government guidelines and policies.
Taking precautionary measures
The general steps individuals should take to protect themselves and others are the same as those to avoid flu and any other similar respiratory infections.
You should maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene, and:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water
- Use hand sanitiser if unable to wash hands
- if you cough or sneeze use tissues to trap germs
- dispose of used tissues in a rubbish bin as quickly as possible
Club events and online training
For those of our students we will be contacting you shortly to help setup and use our online training faclities.
Stay safe every one!